Burtons Media Group is dedicated to providing the connection between technology and education.
We have 3 textbook nearing completion:
- Game Design Fundamentals with Amazon Lumberyard: Space Explorer – teaches the full 3D game development pipeline using only free
resources: Blender, GIMP, and Amazon Lumberyard. You will build and publish a basic space shooter!
Current version: 0.932.14
- Creating VR Worlds with Babylon.JS –
teaches how to create WebVR based games and 3D environments using Babylon.JS. - Creating Isometric Games with Corona: Dungeon Crawl – teaches how
to create isometric games with Corona SDK and other free resources. This intermediate level textbook covers how to create basic isometric game play using the popular Corona SDK and Million Tile Engine tool sets.
Pre-release order: [wp_eStore:product_id:10:end]
Textbooks Currently available:
- Learning Mobile Application & Game Development with Corona SDK – a
eTextbook for those who are new to programming and wish to learn to make mobile applications. Appropriate for middle school, high school and college classes where the students have limited or no programming experience.
- [wp_eStore:product_id:5:end]
- Beginning Mobile App Development with Corona SDK – this eTextbook
assumes some programming experience and focuses on the introduction of how to develop mobile applications. Also available in Portuguese and Spanish.
We provide FREE updates to our eTextbooks!
If you are faculty and would like a review copy of one of our textbooks, please contact sales@
Brian G. Burton, Ed.D.
CEO of Burtons Media Group
Twitter: @DrBrianBurton
Facebook: www.facebook.com/BurtonsMediaGroup
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/DrBBurton